


According to legal requirements, users of this website must be informed about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data on this website. The following information is intended to give you a simple overview of what happens to your personal data when you visit our website. With regard to the terms used here, we refer to the definitions in Art. 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

What is personal data?
Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject), i.e. any information with which you can be personally identified. If you would like more detailed information on the subject of data protection, you can find this in this data protection declaration.

What does processing of data mean?
Processing means any operation performed with or without the aid of automated procedures, in particular to collect, to store, to use, to modify or to delete data.

What types of data are collected on this website?
Through this website, inventory data (e.g. name/address), contact data (e.g. e-mail/phone number), usage data (e.g. pages visited/time of access) and communication data (e.g. IP addresses/device information) may be collected.

Who collects the data on this website?
The collection of data on this website is carried out by the operator. The relevant contact details of the operator can be found in the information below on the responsible party or in the imprint of the website.

How is your data collected?
Your data is collected when you provide it to us, for example. This can happen, for example, when you send the data by e-mail or enter it in a form.

However, there are also other data that are automatically collected by our IT systems when you visit the website, for example, through your computer or smartphone. This is mainly technical data, for example, which internet browser you are using on the internet, which operating system you are using or on which day or at what time you visited our website. This data collection takes place automatically as soon as you are connected to the website.

What is your data used for?
A large part of the data is collected to determine what you use on our website. This enables us to ensure an error-free presentation of the website. Another part is used to determine which parts of the website you have visited and what you were interested in. If you provide us with your contact details, this information will be used to contact you and communicate with you.

What rights do you have regarding the data you provide?
With regard to the personal data stored by you, you have the right at any time to receive information free of charge about the origin, recipient and purpose of this data. You may also request correction, blocking, complete or partial deletion of this data. If you have any questions on the subject of data protection, you can contact us at any time, in particular at the responsible office indicated below or at the address indicated in the imprint. In addition, you are free to complain to the competent supervisory authority.

What are analytics tools and other third-party tools?
Your surfing behavior on our website may be analyzed as soon as you visit it. This is done primarily with the aid of cookies and, where applicable, using certain analysis programs. Normally, the analysis of your surfing behavior is anonymous and it cannot be traced back to you. For this purpose, you have the option to object to the analysis or you can prevent the use of certain tools. You can find more information and instructions on this in the following notes.



1. Data protection
As the operator of this website, we take the protection of your personal data very seriously. The personal data you provide will be treated confidentially in accordance with the statutory provisions on data protection and this data protection declaration. The use of this website triggers the collection of various personal data. Personal data is data by which you can be identified. This data protection declaration is intended to explain what data is collected from you and what it is used for. It will also explain to you the purpose for which this is done.

Basically, we would like to point out that data transmission on the Internet, for example, through communication by e-mail is not secure in all respects. A complete protection of data against access by third parties is unfortunately not completely possible.
2. Legal basis
In accordance with Art. 13 DSGVO, we would like to inform you of the legal basis on which we carry out data processing. Unless a specific legal basis is mentioned in this privacy policy, the following applies:
According to Art. 6 (1) a) and Art. 7 DSGVO, it is possible to obtain your consent for data processing. The legal basis for the processing of your data for the fulfillment of services by us and to respond to your inquiries is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO. The provision of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c) DSGVO is the basis for the processing of data for the fulfillment of legal obligations incumbent upon us and Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO enables us to process your data for the protection of our legitimate interests.
3. Responsible party
The following entity is responsible for data processing on this website:

Professor Dr. Jörg H. Stehle, Bergstraße 16, 55129 Mainz, Germany,

The responsible body is the legal entity mentioned above, which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.
Changes or updates to the privacy policy
As soon as changes in the processing of data carried out by us make it necessary, we will update the Privacy Policy. Therefore, you are requested to regularly inform yourself about the content of this privacy policy.
4. Right of access
According to Art. 15 DSGVO, you have the right to request confirmation from us as to whether data concerning you is being processed by us. In addition, according to this provision, you have a right to information about this data and a right to be provided with a copy of this data.
5. Right of rectification
Art. 16 DSGVO gives you the right to request the completion and/or correction of the data concerning you.
6. Right to erasure
In accordance with Art. 17 DSGVO, you have the right to request that data concerning you be deleted without delay.
7. Right to restriction of processing
Pursuant to Art. 18 DSGVO, you may request restriction of the processing of data by us.
8. Right to data portability
Pursuant to Art. 20 DSGVO, you have the right to have transferred to you or to a third party, in a common and machine-readable format, the data you have provided to us. If you request the direct transfer of the data to another responsible party, this can only be done insofar as this is technically feasible.
9. Right of withdrawal
For many data processing operations, it is necessary for you to give your express consent to this. Once you have given your consent, you may revoke it at any time in accordance with Art. 7 (3) DSGVO. In principle, an informal communication, for example by e-mail to us, is sufficient for this purpose. The legality of the data processing remains unaffected by a possible revocation.
10. Right of objection
According to Art. 21 DSGVO, you have the right to object to future processing of data concerning you by us. The objection may also be directed against processing by us for the purpose of direct marketing.
11. Right of complaint to the supervisory authority
If you believe that a violation of data protection regulations has occurred, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. The competent supervisory authority with regard to data protection issues is the State Data Protection Commissioner of the federal state in which we are based; this is North Rhine-Westphalia. A list of the respective data protection officers as well as the specific contact details can be obtained from the following link:
12. SSL or TLS encryption
For security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential data, we do not use


On the basis of Articles 17 and 18 DSGVO, the data provided by you and processed by us will be deleted or restricted in its processing. If it is not explicitly stated in this data protection declaration when corresponding data will be deleted, we point out here that they will be deleted as soon as the purpose for processing has been achieved and no legal retention obligations oppose this. In the latter case, the data will be restricted in their processing. This applies in particular to data that must be retained for reasons of commercial or tax law. According to Section 257 (1) of the German Commercial Code (HGB), these data must be retained for six years for e.g. commercial books, inventories, opening balances, annual financial statements, commercial letters, accounting vouchers, etc., and according to Section 147 (1) of the German Fiscal Code (AO) for ten years for e.g. books, records, management reports, accounting vouchers, commercial and business letters, relevant documents with significance for taxation, etc.


1.Server log files Our website is stored on servers. The provider of the server automatically stores information about the visit to our website. These are so-called log files, which are automatically transmitted by the browser you are using. In particular, the following information is transmitted:

    - Language,
    - Browser type and browser version,
    - time of the server request,
    - IP address,
    - error codes,
    - operating system used,
    - referrer URL.

In principle, this data is not merged with other data sources. The legal basis for the collection and processing of this data is Art. 6 para. 2 lit. f) DSGVO. This legal basis is the legitimate interest to fulfill a contract or pre-contractual measures.

2. Cookies
Our website partly uses so-called cookies. Cookies serve to make the offer on our pages user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer and stored for later retrieval.

We use so-called "session cookies". These are only stored for the duration of your current visit to our website. They are automatically deleted after the end of your visit to our website.

If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, it is necessary to disable a corresponding option in the system settings of your browser. Cookies that have already been stored can also be deleted in the system settings. However, if you do not want cookies to be stored, the functionality of this website may be limited.

Insofar as cookies are used that are required to carry out the electronic communication process or to provide certain functions that you have requested, these are stored and processed on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. As the website operator, we have a legitimate interest in storing cookies to ensure the technically error-free operation of the website.

You will be informed separately about the use of cookies, which are stored for the analysis of your surfing behavior, for example, within the scope of this privacy policy.

3. Contact form/e-mail
If you choose the way to send us inquiries via the contact form on the website, the information from the form including the contact data you provide there will be stored for the purpose of processing the request and in case of further questions. This data will not be passed on without your express consent.

The processing of the data entered by you in the contact form is therefore based in particular on your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) DSGVO. You can revoke your consent at any time. An informal communication, for example by e-mail, is sufficient for this purpose. In principle, the legality of the data processing operations carried out until the revocation remains unaffected. In the event of contact being made without express consent on your part, e.g. by e-mail, the processing of the data is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO for the purpose of processing the contact inquiry and handling it.

All data provided by you will remain with us until you request deletion of the same, revoke your consent to storage or the purpose for data storage no longer applies. The latter is the case, for example, when we have completed processing your request. A review of the necessity takes place every two years. In the case of legal archiving obligations, your data will be deleted after the respective expiration. Of course, mandatory legal provisions remain unaffected.



1. Google Analytics
This website uses the functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics. The provider of this service is Google Inc, 1600 Amphietheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics uses cookies. The data thus generated about your use of this website is generally transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

The storage and processing of the data generated by Google Analytics is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. We as the operator of the website have a legitimate interest in analyzing your user behavior in order to optimize both our advertising offer and our services.

Google is certified under the so-called Privacy Shield Agreement and thereby offers a guarantee that European data protection law is complied with ( Google Analytics is only used by us with active IP anonymization. IP anonymization means that the IP address of the respective user is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.

As part of our contract, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of our website, to compile the activities within our online offer and to provide other services related to the use of the online offer to us as the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser will not be merged with other data from Google.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate option in the system settings of your browser. However, you are advised that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of this website. In addition, it is possible for you to prevent the data generated by the cookie and related to the use of our website, including your IP address, as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available via the following link:
You can also prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics by clicking on the link -Deactivate Google Analytics-. This will prevent the collection of your data during future visits to this website because an opt-out cookie will be set.

Our website uses the "Demographic Characteristics" function offered by Google Analytics. This feature allows reports to be generated that contain information about the age, gender, and interests of site visitors. This data is transmitted from Google's interest-based advertising and third-party visitor data. It is not possible to assign this data to a specific person. You can deactivate the corresponding function at any time via the settings in your Google account.

For more information on data usage by Google, possible settings and objection options, please visit Google's websites: and Google's privacy policy:

Finally, we would like to point out that we have concluded an order processing agreement with Google and thus fully implement the strict requirements of the German data protection guidelines when using Google Analytics.

2. Google Maps

Our website uses the Google Maps data service via an application programming interface (API). The operator of the pages is Google Inc, 1600 Amphietheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.It is necessary to store your IP address in order to use the functions of Google Maps. As a rule, this information is transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The provider of this site, i.e. we, have no influence on this data transmission.

Google Maps is used for an appropriate and appealing presentation of our online offer and serves to make it easy to find the places we indicate on the website. This represents a legitimate interest of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO.

For more information on the handling of user data, please refer to Google's privacy policy: